Choosing Appropriate Toys for Your Toddler

Toys are essential to your child’s early childhood education. As they have fun and play, they also develop various skills, such as thinking, physical, language, and social-emotional skills. Choosing the appropriate toys for their age can help nurture these skills. As a provider of child development in Virginia, we recommend the following tips for choosing … Continue reading

Posted in Toddler Toys

CDC Reports That Kids Spreads COVID-19 to Their Families

With Early Childhood Education centers slowly beginning to allow children to return to in-person classes, many parents are concerned about their child’s and the rest of the family’s health and safety. Many want to know if their children are at risk of contracting COVID-19 while at school. Here’s what experts currently know. Yes, children can … Continue reading

Posted in Preschool

How to Deal with Temper Tantrums in Toddlers

It is common for children to suddenly throw a temper tantrum. As part of proper child development in Virginia, parents are encouraged to teach the child how to cope with their feelings instead of reprimanding them for it. After all, teaching a child how to deal with their emotions can help them grow into better … Continue reading

Factors to Consider When Upholding for Your Kids’ Holistic Growth

A huge part of the life of successful people can be traced back to how well they’re reared up when they were kids. This is why many parents look for the best childcare in Woodbridge, Virginia to give their kids an excellent head start. Are you planning to do the same? If yes, make sure … Continue reading

Benefits of Child Care for Infants and Toddlers

Parents often need to find a child care facility to take care of their children, especially working parents. Here at Wonderful Virginia Academy, a trusted of early childhood education in Woodbridge, Virginia, we provide your children with benefits that will help them have a healthy development at their young age. Our child development in Virginia … Continue reading

Posted in Childcare

How Important Is Play in Preschool?

Children, during their formative years, tend to be very energetic. Their restlessness makes it difficult for them to focus in school. Fortunately, preschool is not as intensive as formal education in the higher years. Preschool is the starting point of a child’s education. Because this is still the period of adjustment of learning, it mainly … Continue reading

Posted in Child Play