5 Ways Art Can Enhance Your Child’s Development

students with teacherAs a Daycare in Woodbridge, we implement art as a part of our curriculum because it promotes holistic growth for your child in more ways than one:

  1. It can improve their physical fitness.

    We often perceive art more like a desktop activity performed in Early Childhood Education, but did you know that it can actually refine your child’s ability to control their small and large muscles?

    At the same time, participating in art activities can also calibrate your toddler’s eye-hand coordination — a skill that is needed for school readiness.

  2. It can improve their social skills.

    Who says art has to be a solitary activity? As much as it is a fun hobby to engage alone, it is also as exciting when shared with friends and loved ones.

    That is why as a provider of Childcare in Woodbridge, we have incorporated art into our curriculum to encourage young ones to interact with the other children in our class. Together, they can share their imagination and come up with exciting projects. Who knows, your little one might even find their lifetime best friend thanks to art!

  3. It can strengthen their cognitive thinking ability.

    Doing art may seem like a casual thing to do, but it actually stimulates the different parts of your young one’s brain. Among the many things, your child can learn from art include identifying colors and shapes, observational skills, abstract thinking, and a whole lot more.

    Let your little one get the best of Child Development in Woodbridge, Virginia by letting them take part in our art activities and well-rounded curriculum today.

  4. It can further their emotional intelligence.

    Art is one of the few activities that allow you to express things that you cannot readily verbalize. And for children who have yet to expand their vocabulary, doing art creates an outlet for release.

    Toddlers may not always have the best eye when recreating pictures but by valuing your little one’s creativity, you help them feel valued. This, in turn, raises their self-esteem.

  5. It can expand their imagination and creativity.

    Children are prone to having an active imagination at all times, but in most cases, they lack a way to express it.

    Art brings a solution to that dilemma. By drawing pictures or creating projects, your little one is able to further explore their creativity. (Plus, it helps them stay behaved for hours on end too!)

    But, how do you get your child to be interested in art?

    It’s fairly easy! Sparking your toddler’s interest in art doesn’t have to be expensive. You can simply provide them with a box of crayons, a loose leaf of paper, and space to work at. By the end of the day, you would be surprised at the masterpieces they are able to create!

Did this article help you understand how art can enhance your child’s development? Enroll your little one at Wonderful Virginia Academy today!

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