Asthma Awareness Month: Working with your Little One’s School

little boy

Children suffering from asthma usually have symptoms at school so parents must involve the school in caring for their asthma sufferer. This is essential even if a child only experiences mild asthma. Because many schools have children with asthma, their teachers and nurses are familiar with helping kids having this health problem. Still, this Asthma Awareness Month, we wish to suggest that parents take some steps to make sure their young child gets adequate attention.

Preventing Asthma Attacks

As a parent, you feel relieved to know there are ways you can do to control your child’s asthma.

  • Be aware of the triggers. A number of children with asthma experience an attack when exposed to pollens. For other children, it is a cigarette smoker, catching a cold, animal fur or cold air that triggers the attack. To really know the triggers, consider taking your child to an allergy specialist for testing.
  • Create an action plan. Come up with a written plan which details the medications your child must take and when to take them. Categorize your child’s case such as whether she is breathing normally, she has a problem speaking or breathing, she has a persistent cough or her rib cage tends to suck in while breathing.
  • Utilize controller medications seriously. This is important to reduce or prevent the response of the body to triggers. Often, these medications are inhaled corticosteroids taken through a nebulizer or inhaler. In children who have allergies, taking antihistamines every day or using a nasal corticosteroid spray may help.

How to Ensure your Child’s Safety at School

  • Check your child’s classroom. Spend time checking your child’s classroom to ensure he is not exposed to many triggers. In case you identify potential triggers like dust and dust mites, work with the teacher to minimize the exposure of your child to such triggers.
  • Work with the school personnel and officials. It is imperative to talk to your child and explain his case, depending on how old he is. Because taking medications on time isn’t possible for preschoolers, you need to work with your child’s teachers and school staff to ensure your child gets the care and attention he needs in case he experiences an asthma attack in school. Also, it is important that officials of the school are aware of the severity of your child’s asthma, the triggers, the medications your child takes and what to do during an asthma attack. Consider writing down these details and distribute copies to the school’s staff. When possible, think about arranging a meeting with the officials so you can personally explain to them the details.

Wonderful Virginia Academy, a provider of the Best Childcare in Woodbridge Virginia, wants to assure you that your child is safe with us. Learn more about our programs by calling 703-670-2500.

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