Tips to Help Your School-age Child Be Motivated to Learn


It is important that in the formative years of your children, you must inculcate in them the value of learning. You need to make learning sound fun, so they’ll find happiness with every book they read. Surely, you will see stellar students when you support your children in their school work. The way you assist them in their academic activities will essentially be reflected in their intellectual growth so that they will always thirst for more ideas and knowledge. Furthermore, helping your children to love the value of discovery in every turn of a book’s page will prepare them for any challenges that are up ahead. This will boost their academic performance so they can always come out to be the best. Wonderful Virginia Academy has these tips:

  • Help them have objectives in school. It is essential that you’ll guide your school-age children to develop objectives in their school work. For instance, at the start of the school calendar, you can lay out clear plans like minimizing TV time and devote more time to studying and making of homework. You can set home rules that could create an atmosphere where your children will love their academic goals. Through the objectives, your youngsters will be disciplined in their schoolwork even while away from school.

  • Learn about positive competition. Competition is not absolutely bad. In fact, you can help your children with what positive competition has in store for them. Through this, they will not hesitate to show off their knowledge. You can always encourage them to beat their academic best and to view failure as an opportunity to become even better. The spirit of positive competition will unravel the academic potentials of your children.

  • Rewards matter. As simple as buying your children a sticker every time they get their homework done on time, or by constantly recognizing and praising their hard work will help your child become motivated with their school work. As a parent, you know the personality of your child, and you can build on such knowledge to know what kind of reward you should give your child. Additionally, you must make a bounty of praise for every small or big exemplary achievement that they are able to do.

  • Assist your child in self-reflection. Best Childcare in Woodbridge Virginia believes that kids are naturally competitive simply because they want to succeed and earn praise from their parents and elders. That is why you need to help your child figure out their unique potentials and build on such potentials so they can use it to their advantage. Through this, you can allow them to understand where they are good at and recognize their “shortfalls”, in which they can devote more time to further fine-tune it.

There will be times where your kids feel demotivated at school; you need to be proactive in looking at where they are struggling and ensure to give your immediate support so that they will be back to their old self again. It is your duty to support them so that they will feel valued in their simple works. This can be a source of motivation to continue their winning streaks. There is an Affordable Child Care in Woodbridge where you can send your children so they can recognize your children’s full potential.

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