What to Teach Your Child About Safety when Playing

As advocates for Early Childhood Education in Woodbridge, Virginia, we greatly believe that playing is an essential activity for children. Not only will this help promote physical agility, but it can also improve their social skills and enhance their mental wellbeing.

However, the playground can also pose risks and danger for our little ones. Whether these play areas are in our location or in a public playground, your children can face risky situations when they are with other children. Hence, we believe it is important that parents teach them the following safety precautions when they are playing:

  • No Pushing

    Children can get over-excited when they are in the middle of their games. It can be helpful to remind them not to push any child especially when they are taking turns in a particular play area.

  • Mind Safety

    Remind your children to also stay careful and safe as they make use of the different play equipment. For instance, if they are going to slide, remind them to slide with their feet first. This is an ideal position to prevent unwanted injuries.

  • Support Safety

    As Best Childcare providers, we also encourage you to supplement your reminders with your physical presence. Support your child’s safety by personally ensuring that they have used play equipment correctly or that there are no other children when they make the swing.

  • Dress Properly

    Ensure that your little ones are also wearing appropriate play attires. That is, children should wear loose and comfortable clothes, but not too loose that the clothes can get stuck at the top of the slide. Remove any dangling jewelry as well so that this won’t get stuck anywhere.

  • Put on Sunscreen

    Apply sunscreen lotion on your children’s face and exposed body parts. When they are outside, they can be exposed to the harmful effects of the sun, which is unhealthy for them.

At Wonderful Virginia Academy, you have us as partners in promoting quality Child Development in Virginia. We hope that you found these tips helpful.

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